This program was designed to help you begin to understand how body imbalances affect your mental and physical health. This will allow you to take charge of your life like never before.
This program includes:
- One 90-minute One-on-One session
- Imbalance assessment and evaluation
- Analysis of blood labs you currently have from your doctor
- Recommendations for next steps on your journey
JUMP START 30-day Program
This program includes:
- An online personalized education in nutritional and lifestyle changes
- A 21-day Detox program
- Two individual session which can be done in person, on the phone, or via Skype/Zoom
HIPPA compliant chat available for support, questions, or concerns between appointments - Recommendations for continued success
NOTE: Recommendations will be made to help determine the best course of action for continued health.
BODY BALANCING 3- Month Program
This program was designed specifically for those who have more serious health concerns and those who know they need more knowledge, support and accountability. The goal is to re-balance the body and mind for health and wellness.
Sometimes we know what we should do but don’t have the ability to do it ourselves. This program maximizes your ability to establish new habits and implement a nutritional lifestyle that supports ongoing health and wellness.
This program includes:
- An online personalized education in nutritional and lifestyle changes to balance your body and life through goals that set you up for long-term success
- Three individual sessions which can be done in person, on the phone or via Skype/Zoom
- Blood labs, supplements and nutraceuticals
- HIPPA compliant chat available for questions or concerns between appointments
- Recommendations for next steps on your journey
LASTING CHANGE 6-month Program
This program is our most popular and successful program and was designed as an in-depth, personalized program. It provides online personalized education to support you in nutrition and lifestyle changes. We begin with a thorough functional evaluation to find the root cause of your symptoms. Functional labs and supplements are included.
An individualized plan is intended to address the root cause of your symptoms that work for your unique situation.
This program is ideal for people that have more challenging health issues, severe anxiety or depression, chronic diseases, blood sugar imbalances, autoimmune disease, brain fog, difficulty losing weight, or hormonal imbalances.
This program includes:
- An intake imbalance assessment and follow-up/support sessions. Sessions can be done in
person, on the phone or via Skype/Zoom - Analysis of blood labs you already have and those covered in the program
- Nutritional coaching to support and guide you through the program
- HIPPA compliant chat available for questions or concerns between appointments
- Functional labs and supplements are included
- Recommendations for next steps on your journey
Establishing lasting change takes time and purposeful effort. New Life Health and Wellness will help you stay on course and really understand the gut-brain connection that leads to so many problems. Fixing the root cause of mental and physical problems will give you the energy and clarity in life you have been seeking.
Additional hourly sessions can be scheduled for an additional fee, if necessary.
The information in these programs are not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Fara Murata, LCSW, I encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.